Cashflow Management for Small Businesses

Cashflow Management for Small Businesses

All business owners struggle at some point with budgeting; cashflow budgets and then later profit and loss budgets. It is normal for businesses to struggle with cash flow in the early stages of the business, and whenever there is growth or uncertainty in the business. Help is at hand, there are tools that can help with cash flow problems by preparing a cash flow budget.

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What Makes a Good Accountant?

What Makes a Good Accountant?

Here’s an old joke, but it’s relevant…  A man stands in a field, watching a hot air balloon descend towards him.  The balloon halts three feet from the ground and the passenger in the balloon shouts down, “Hello!  Where am I”?

The man in field answers, “In a hot air balloon, three feet above a field”

To which the passenger replies, “You must be an accountant, because that information, while factually accurate, is of no bloody use to anyone!”

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