Is Your Small Business Growing Up?

Are you a business owner that has moved from being self-employed to operating a business with staff members and things have just grown to quickly?

Do you wonder what controls should be in place to ensure the financial results are reflected at the end of the month?

Any business or organisation should be made up of the:

  1. Goal maker/executive/founder who looks at strategy and long-term plans with the idea of retaining and maintaining the dreams and aspirations of the organisation.

  2. The “goal makers strategy function” should be supported by management who put the goals into operation and handle tactics or short-term goals and planning.

  3. Then there is the employees who bring about the production or the fulfilling of the goal.

These three needs to be aligned and communicating with each for true success to occur in the business. If there is a mis-match of controls in between these functions, it can feel like the business is not achieving what it set out to achieve or that everyone is working very hard but the financial result is not representing the input effort.

At Anlo, we know what it means to run a business. We do it in our own business but we also work with a lot of SME’s and we have seen and helped them grow their own business to the point where they need to employ a full-time accountant to fulfil our function (not to brag but we are that good 😊). We will also assist with the recruitment of the accounting staff and make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Our aim is to be a business partners to your business and treat you like we would like to be treated.

If you would like to find out more on how we can assist your business with:

  1. Internal controls implementations and internal audit

  2. Financial Reporting

  3. Financial Services i.e. Accounting

  4. Financial Compliance

  5. Statutory Audits

  6. etc.

Give us a call on 011 658 1324 or