Changes in Filing Dates for Trusts: A New Chapter in South Africa's Tax Season

Changes in Filing Dates for Trusts: A New Chapter in South Africa's Tax Season

On June 4, 2024, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) made a significant announcement regarding the 2024 income tax return filing dates for both individual and trust taxpayers.

This update marks a big shift, particularly for trust taxpayers, who will now experience a dedicated filing season distinct from that of individual taxpayers.

Traditionally, the filing season for trust taxpayers in South Africa coincided with that of individual taxpayers.

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Beneficial Ownership Register Explained

Beneficial Ownership Register Explained

Here’s a date for your diary - 24th of May, 2024. Now, that’s a rather important date if you hold a 5% or greater stake in a company in South Africa as it’s the last date to register under the newly introduced Beneficial Ownership Register. Failure to register if you should will be seen as a breach of the Companies Act and could result in fines being levied.

So what’s this all about, and what is Beneficial Ownership?

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Preparing for Tax Season 2024/2025: A Friendly Reminder for South African Taxpayers

Preparing for Tax Season 2024/2025: A Friendly Reminder for South African Taxpayers

As the start of a new tax year approaches, it’s time to shift our focus towards effective tax planning and ensuring a smooth filing process when the time comes.

For South African taxpayers, this means being proactive about retirement annuity contributions and keeping track of important documents as well as remembering to track your travel if you receive a travel allowance.

With filing season typically kicking off in July, now is the perfect time to get organised and stay ahead of the game.

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Byte Size - Making Things Better

Byte Size - Making Things Better

I thought it would be nice to write about something other than tax and year-ends. Yes, they’re important, and yes I’ll continue to write about them, but a change, they say, is as good as a rest. (Personally, I’m not sure about that, but whatevs…)

As thoroughly modern accountants we have wholeheartedly embraced technology, you may have noticed this! In addition to our client-facing systems we use technology ourselves to stay on top of our business.

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Navigating Gift Vouchers for Directors and Employees: Understanding Tax Implications with SARS

Navigating Gift Vouchers for Directors and Employees: Understanding Tax Implications with SARS

As the year progresses and you contemplate ways to reward the dedication and hard work of your teams (and perhaps yourselves as directors), gift vouchers emerge as a popular and appreciated token of gratitude.

However, your largesse should also be tempered with an understanding of the tax implications such gestures carry, especially under the regulations of SARS. This guide aims to shed light on these implications, ensuring that your acts of appreciation are both generous and tax compliant 😆.

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End of Year Pension Top-up

End of Year Pension Top-up

Thinking about the end of the tax year does tend to induce a sense of mild dread; what will SARS want? When will they want it? Will this ever end?! 😆

While it can feel onerous, there are some things you can do before the end of the tax year which are very much to your benefit, rather than the wellbeing of the tax authorities. One of the biggest of these is topping up your retirement fund or pension fund before the end of the tax year in South Africa (which runs from 1 March to the end of February).

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Can Your Pty Ltd Company Deduct Reading Glasses?

Can Your Pty Ltd Company Deduct Reading Glasses?

In South Africa, managing a (Pty) Ltd company involves understanding tax obligations and benefits as outlined by the South African Revenue Service (SARS). One of the questions that arise in the realm of tax deductions involves the eligibility of claiming expenses for reading glasses. This blog delves into whether reading glasses can be considered a deductible expense under current South African tax laws for (Pty) Ltd companies.

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Travel Expenses To Know About as Director of a Small Company

Travel Expenses To Know About as Director of a Small Company

In South Africa, the rules for deducting travel expenses for directors of small proprietary limited companies (Pty Ltd) are governed by the South African Revenue Service (SARS).  These rules can be quite specific and are subject to change, so it's always best to consult the latest SARS guidelines or a tax professional. However, we can provide a general overview.

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All About Provisional Returns: January Updates

All About Provisional Returns: January Updates

Well, that’s Christmas and New Year done, and we’ve all had plenty of time to clear our heads and face up to 2024! So, Happy New Year, and let’s talk about… Tax!

We know - it’s not the most thrilling subject, but a failure to deal with it in a timely manner will guarantee you interesting times as SARS starts asking pointed questions.

So, what are the filing dates for 2024? Fortunately for all of us, these are no secret, SARS posts these on its website, but here’s an extract of the relevant information:

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Navigating Business Expense Deductions

Navigating Business Expense Deductions

Running a business comes with its fair share of expenses and it is important to understand when these expenses can be used against income as a valid business tax deductible expense.

Deducting the right expenses can significantly reduce your taxable income and, consequently, your tax liability.

In this blog, we will look into the deductibility of various business expenses, focusing on repairs and maintenance, entertainment, staff welfare, and gifts.

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Understanding Changes in Persons with Significant Control (PSC) at CIPC in South Africa

Understanding Changes in Persons with Significant Control (PSC) at CIPC in South Africa

The introduction of Persons with Significant Control (PSC) regulations by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and the alignment of tax reporting with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is a significant step toward fostering a more transparent and accountable business environment in South Africa.

Business owners and operators need to be aware of their responsibilities under these regulations, including the creation and maintenance of accurate PSC Registers, timely submission of information to the CIPC, and consistent reporting to SARS.

Adherence to these regulations not only ensures compliance with the law but also contributes to the integrity and credibility of the business community in the country.

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VAT, Budget Speech, and Cashflow Planning - March Updates 😊

VAT, Budget Speech, and Cashflow Planning - March Updates 😊

Happy new tax year our lovely Anlo community. Everyone worked really hard to get all the 2021/2022 tax returns submitted on time as well as the submission of the provisional tax returns that was due end of February.

We start a new tax year, and working towards getting financials and returns calculated early so that we stay on the good side with SARS but also have some time to do some cashflow planning.

If your situation has changed or you have moved or have new contact details, please get in touch so that we can update your details where it is appropriate.

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Provisional Tax, SARS, and More: February Updates

Provisional Tax, SARS, and More: February Updates

How will you know if you are a provisional taxpayer?

If you earn any other income apart from your salary i.e., consulting fee income, high interest income, capital gains or rental income etc. you should submit a provisional tax return. All entities/companies are registered for provisional tax and provisional tax should be submitted.

The 2nd provisional tax is based on the same accounting period as the August 2022 provisional tax calculation. So, if you had to pay provisional tax in August 2022, you will know if you are a provisional taxpayer.

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SARS Matters & Directors: November Newsletter

SARS Matters & Directors: November Newsletter

We want to congratulate both Grizelda and Ntsako in our team! Both lovely ladies got married recently 🎉

In the accountancy SA magazine for November, there was a brilliant piece on the CEO of Deloittes Africa, Ruwayda Redfearn where she describes what it means to be a leader.

As you know Anlo as a company loves using coaching techniques in our everyday work and life, and we thought her story and advise was really powerful so we thought we would share our highlights

She pointed 5 things out that we thought we would quote here:

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