What Makes a Good Accountant?

What Makes a Good Accountant?

Here’s an old joke, but it’s relevant…  A man stands in a field, watching a hot air balloon descend towards him.  The balloon halts three feet from the ground and the passenger in the balloon shouts down, “Hello!  Where am I”?

The man in field answers, “In a hot air balloon, three feet above a field”

To which the passenger replies, “You must be an accountant, because that information, while factually accurate, is of no bloody use to anyone!”

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4 Tips on Choosing the Right Accountant For You

4 Tips on Choosing the Right Accountant For You

As a chartered accountant, in a world that isn’t really short of chartered accountants, one of the first things I find myself doing with prospective clients is explaining to them why I think that Anlo Financial is the right choice for them.  Of course I tell them we are an exceptional practice and that we are very good at what we do but putting the shoe on the other foot,  what should you be looking for in an accountancy practice?

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